Thursday 26 April 2012

The Brain in Free Fall

I no longer consider myself to be an insomniac, no, I am but an Early Riser. 2 hours sleep seems to be all that my frazzled brain will allow me. I decided to document what I could remember in those few seconds between dreamscape and landscape. Here is the result of one of the oddest.

The Brain In Free Fall

Why am I in a Tin?
You're in a Cubicle, you're not in a Tin.
I'm in a Tin, I told you to take me to a hot dirty beach and you've put me in a Tin.
I had to bring you here, you're a badly torn girl and you need stitched.
I may be badly torn but I need a hot dirty beach.

I leave the Dear Reader to decide what fate should befall me. Asylum or Straight Jacket?

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